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The Blood Money - Freeport One Edition - - Printable Version

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The Blood Money - Freeport One Edition - - Silver - 02-02-2013

[Image: test5d.png]

Welcome to the Blood Money. Today's soup is Whisky, everyday. And here are some rules.

#1: No guns. You bring a gun into this bar, we reserve the right for the Security Teams to destroy you into an ash pile.

#2: You pay your tab. You don't get to walk out with booze or bar appliances to pay.

#3: If a brawl happens, the Reaver Merc. Co. will deny any participation afterwards it.

#4: Sh** happens.

#5: In case of urgent medical treatment, please head to the back of the bar, to the Clinic for treatment.

#6: You got a problem with a Reaver? Wrong place. Right time.

#7: Get drunk.

RE: The Blood Money - Freeport One Edition - - Haste - 02-03-2013

"Shoulders high. Back straight", Martin thought to himself as he slowly walked into the bar.

In his left hand, he held an empty bottle, while his right hand was searching his belt.
He looked around. There were several heavily armed men. Or at least, he thought they were men.
"Probably best I left the damn thing in my Liberator", he thought, as he gave up looking for his tazer.

Approaching the bar, he gave the bartender a quick nod.
"I-I'm looking for Vincent."
His voice revealed that he wasn't nearly as confident as he was trying to look.
He put the empty bottle on the bar, and added: "Tell him I need more of this stuff."

RE: The Blood Money - Freeport One Edition - - Tyler - 02-03-2013

Samy came staggering in. "Ceux idiots!" He shouted.

"Two bottles of wine. Don't care what kind. I want to get ivr-." He chuckles as he stops talking. "Ivre. I need to get wasted. I hurt my stomach from laughing over those fools in Liberty and Bretonia."

He slumps towards a couch in a corner and falls asleep in a instant. A loud snoring is heard throughout the bar.

RE: The Blood Money - Freeport One Edition - - Kaze - 02-03-2013

Titanium entered the bar, thinking on reviewing all the reports from the security teams present at Freeport One.
With a fast step, her professional attitude and quick nods to the people she knew, she quickly reached a booth, where she layed her data-pad and ordered a glass of milk.

Pulling out of her cigars, she lit one up and kicked back in the seat and started her work.

With a sneer, she thought. "Oh joy. BIS sniffing around. That always cheer my day." A chuckle insued as she continued to review the reports.

Suddenly, one of the guards approached her and left a message. An LPI was present at the bar and looking for Coquelicot.

With a raised eyebrow, she nodded to the security guard and asked him to bring the said officer to her presence.

RE: The Blood Money - Freeport One Edition - - Haste - 02-04-2013

Staring ahead blindly, Martin was thinking about what he was going to tell Coquelicot. Did he really want to be a hired gun?

He didn't even feel the tap on his shoulder.
"I need you to come with me, officer."
Caught off guard, Martin nodded before he'd even seen the man the voice belonged to.
He turned around. The guard had already begun walking. The man looked over his shoulder, and signaled him to follow.

After a short walk, the guard suddenly stopped.
"Just a second", the man told him as he walked towards a nearby booth. "Here he is", the guard told a woman sitting in the booth, and signaled Martin to come closer.

RE: The Blood Money - Freeport One Edition - - Kaze - 02-04-2013

Titanium nodded at the man and with a hand and a silent face, she asked him to sit.

What probably felt like minutes, she eyed the man and took note of his characteristics.

"Mr. Reynolds. A very long way from home, as it were." Her bretonian accent was thick, but her face showed her Kusari bloodline.

She pointed to her glass of milk.

"Do you require a beverage?"

RE: The Blood Money - Freeport One Edition - - Haste - 02-04-2013

"Do you require a beverage?"

Her offer came unexpectedly. The woman had been staring at him since the second he took a seat.
He'd expected her having a more rugged look. Instead, she was surprisingly.. attractive.

"Thanks." He paused, as if to think what he was going to say next.
"I wouldn't mind a coffee." he said, as he faked a smile, "It's been a long trip, you see."

RE: The Blood Money - Freeport One Edition - - Kaze - 02-04-2013

She nodded and signaled one of the barmaids. With the order made, she turned her head back to Martin.

"Mr. Reynolds. I am delighted to meet you." She offered her hand. "I am Titanium. Of the Reaver Mercenary Company."

She wondered what would be his reaction to shake the hand of one of Liberty's most wanted.
And his feelings on it.

RE: The Blood Money - Freeport One Edition - - Tyler - 02-05-2013

All of sudden Samy jumps up grabbing for his gun which he (fortunately) left in his ship, shouts out some indistinct speech with blood-shot eyes before crashing head first onto a table. Remaining motionless he starts snoring again.

RE: The Blood Money - Freeport One Edition - - Haste - 02-05-2013

"You already made your choice by coming here", Martin thought to himself as the Reaver offered her hand.

Still, he hesitated. Even though the handshake itself was insignificant, it implied a great deal more.
It implied that he left Liberty behind.

He reached out and shook her hand. Briefly, but firmly. He wasn't going to show weakness.

"A pleasure to meet you too, miss."