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4 hour rule clarification - Printable Version

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4 hour rule clarification - Tenacity - 06-16-2008

Ok, so myself and some other order pilots are out in delta today and a bounty hunter tells a corsair to leave the system because he fled or was killed in an engagement before we got there.

Now, the corsair in question claimed that omicron delta was corsair space, and because he was still within his ZOI that he did not have to obey the four hour rule.

I'm almost 100% certain that is false, and even if you get killed in your faction's home system you still have to leave for 4 hours - or until the enemy you engaged leaves or is killed.

Here's some screens of the conversation, names of the people in question are blanked out (The names blanked out in black are the player who won the prior engagement, those in green are the one who lost/fled):

[Image: 25u76vt.jpg]
[Image: 2ibm0wp.jpg]
[Image: kb3xhd.jpg]

So was I correct? It doesnt matter what system it is or what faction you are, if you are not a trader/smuggler you need to leave for 4 hours after fleeing or dying in a pvp engagement?

4 hour rule clarification - Dopamino - 06-16-2008

You still have to leave or log off. When the RM get killed, they usually log off or switch characters.

4 hour rule clarification - Jinx - 06-16-2008

you re right there - he has to leave for 4 hours. the rule is very clear about it, and it surprises me how much ppl interprete into rules that leave absolutely no room for interpretation. - it says, when you die, you leave the winner and the system. - i don t see any room there for interpretations....

not 100% sure - but i think that even a guard system owner must leave his guard system when he was killed there by an invading enemy.

4 hour rule clarification - Reverend Del - 06-16-2008

Even if it's you ZOI you have to leave system or log off. End of.

4 hour rule clarification - Wolfspirit - 06-16-2008

You died so u must to leave no matter where u died IMO. Its a honor based game play so be gentleman, accept how u lost and leave. As I see this mod try to convert to real life as much as possible so if u die in the real word, u are dead doesnt matter where u died.

4 hour rule clarification - Tenacity - 06-16-2008

' Wrote:You died so u must to leave no matter where u died IMO. Its a honor based game play so be gentleman, accept how u lost and leave. As I see this mod try to convert to real life as much as possible so if u die in the real word, u are dead doesnt matter where u died.

it wasnt me that died =P Was commenting on someone else's interpretation of the rules here.

Aki.Kimura in the screenshots is my character.

4 hour rule clarification - Patriot - 06-16-2008

i was there when this evenement happen and as i told you in game Tenacity ,your right he have to leave for 4 hours or log off,no matters if its is own system and he pay 600 million for it:cool:

4 hour rule clarification - Xoria - 06-16-2008

It is surely a sign of the end times when a thread is started in the Rules Forum, and every answer to the first post is correct.
There is obviously still some hope for Disco.
Lets not break the trend.

4 hour rule clarification - Tenacity - 06-16-2008

so, think this calls for a sanction report or should we let it slide this time? I've got the screenshots as shown, not sure if that's enough but the other players involved can attest to the situation.

4 hour rule clarification - chovynz - 06-16-2008

Point him towards this thread. If he continues to argue post up a sanction.
Point him towards the Rules as well, maybe quote the 4 hour part for him so his eyes do not glaze over.

If he's one of the ones that doesn't visit the forums or refuses to, just post the sanction.