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Curacao business - Thyrzul - 03-06-2013

This is Curacao Docking Control. Please identify yourself.
C'est Sergent Henri Croix Du Conseil, pilot of the freighter CTV Verdeur. Requesting permission to land on Curacao.
Sergent Croix, the permission is granted. Please proceed to St Martin Spaceport, as per the request of Mr Crook.
Merci, et d'accord. Entering atmosphere.

On it's way to the Administration District of the Orbital Spa and Cruise, the small Anki pierced the atmosphere swiftly. Within minutes it reached the landing pads, and Henri put the freighter down smoothly.

RE: Curacao bussiness - Zynth - 03-07-2013

A man dressed sharply in a corporate suit, complete with maroon tie and sporting a bowler hat stands in the shade near the landing pad. He watches as the Anki deploys its docking systems and latches itself onto the docking pad.

"Looks like he's here. I hope Michelle has prepared everything beforehand."

RE: Curacao bussiness - Thyrzul - 03-10-2013

With the freighter on the ground now, the cockpit opened up while the engines calmed down. An average height man of Gallic origin in the uniform of The Council has climbed out of it, and began approaching the other person.

Monsieur Crooke, oui? Je suis Sergent Henri Croix Du Conseil, pleased to meet you. - He offered his hand for a shake as a greeting once he got to him.

RE: Curacao bussiness - Zynth - 03-12-2013

The sharply dressed man smiled and shook the Gallic's hand warmly as a welcoming gesture.[/color]

"Nice to see you've made it. Are you ready for the tour?"

At that moment, a relatively short lady dressed just as sharply as Crooke was, rushed in frantically with a bucket of ice with two wine bottles in one hand and two wine glasses in the other.

"Ah you're here. Monsieur Croix, this is my secretary, Michelle. Before we start with the tour, I have an important question to ask."

There was a brief moment of silence before Mr. Crooke smiled and asked in a serious tone.

"Red... or white?"

RE: Curacao bussiness - Thyrzul - 03-13-2013

Serious business is serious. Henri replied with the same tone: Red. Definitely red.

Then he turned to the woman: Enchanté, Mademoiselle, Sergent Henri Croix Du Conseil á votre service. May I help you with your, uhhm, carriage? - he asked.

RE: Curacao bussiness - Zynth - 03-14-2013

The secretary smiled.

"No thank you sir. I can handle myself fine."

With that, she readied herself to pour a glass of red for the Gallic.

"It's a 719 A.S vintage Pinot Noir by "Faberhausen", grapes from the mountainous Black Forest region of Planet Stuttgart."

"Alright, enough chit-chat, let's get down to business. Now if you would kindly follow me. You can enjoy the wine in the hovercar."
Mr. Crooke cut in, seemingly quite eager to show his guest around.

He signaled to the Gallic to follow him, leading him down the landing pad to the nearby car park where an Ageira LS-2000 hover-limo, painted a glossy white, waited.

"Well, after you Mr. Croix. Let us begin the tour."

RE: Curacao bussiness - Thyrzul - 03-19-2013

Merci beacoup. - Henri took the glass from the woman and examined the wine briefly before following the two of them to the hover-limo. He has never tasted any wine other than the Gallic ones yet. Once there, he stopped for a moment to have a look at the limo.

Magnifique. - He complimented the car. As shiny-looking from the outside, it is most probably luxurious in the inside as well. He got into it carefully, trying not to spill the precious wine from his glass. Getting comfortable while the other two got in, he also had a brief moment to slip a bit before the engines started, smiling as a sign of liking the taste.

RE: Curacao bussiness - Zynth - 03-22-2013

The hover-limo took off rather smoothly with Crooke at the wheel, travelling in a South-westernly direction past spectacular vistas of turquoise waters and sandy beaches. The vivid display was only heightened by the bright sun of the Cortez system skimming the water's surface, producing a glow similar to a glimmer of a sapphire under hot light.

"You must wonder why I drive instead of a chauffeur."
Crooke attempts to make small talk.

There is a brief silence while he stroked the wheel with his white driving gloves.

"There is no use in buying a car and not enjoying the pleasures of driving it."
With that he lets out a short burst of laughter.

15 minutes of flight time later, the hover-limo grinds to a halt on a sandy beach.


"Uh, yes sir."
Michelle hands Crooke a pair of dark sunglasses and puts on a pair herself.

"Sir, you should wear these. Not that you have to, it's just that the sun can get pretty intense on Curacao. That's how the tourists like it."
She hands Henri a pair as well.

"And with that, we have arrived on the Isle of Jane. Off the coast of the island is the plot of land we're providing."

A cool sea breeze greets the threesome as they step out of a car. The next scene their eyes behold is a long coastline of white sandy beaches, crowned with with coconut frowns but otherwise barren. A wide strip of light blue defines where land ends and sea starts, glittering and pristine save for four buoys with flashing red lights, arranged in a square, marking out the area reserved for the construction of the platform.

RE: Curacao bussiness - Thyrzul - 05-03-2013

Henri did not wonder for a moment why this planet was a holiday resort: the picturesque scenes of wonderful beaches and seas swiftly following each other in front of his eyes were still able to amaze him. Their destination was no different.

Once they got out of the car, the Gallic raised his hand over to his forehead to shade his eyes from the flares of the blazing sun of Cortez, just a moment prior to noticing the woman offering the shades. -
Ah, merci beacoup, mademoiselle. - He put the shades on and looked around again.

Nice sight we have here, Monsieur Crooke, but I assume this is not unusual on this planet. - said the Gallic while the trio walked on the beach towards the buoys. Cool breeze of air approached them from the direction of the seas. - However before I begin with my plans and wishes regarding the platform, I would like to know what your organization can offer regarding the construction. If you had any, Monsieur, could you share your initial thoughts on the matter with me, s'il vous plait?

RE: Curacao bussiness - Zynth - 05-27-2013

Crooke stopped for a while and looked at the Gallic.

"Construction eh?"
There was a short pause.

"Orbital doesn't really deal with industrial machinery and construction services. The most I can provide are links to DSE who mainly build our liners and some designer services should you want luxury rooms."

He smiled.
"We don't really have the expertise when it comes to industrial platforms."