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To: Gallian (Jump?) Authorities. - Printable Version

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To: Gallian (Jump?) Authorities. - Trail - 03-19-2013

....Incoming transmission....

[Image: osaminagano.jpg]

From: Admiral Chistu Wanabe
Faction: Kusari Naval Forces
Rank: Admiral
Ship registration: Adm.Chistu.Wanabe
Ship: Kusari Battleship
Location: Secondary Fleet HQ

To: Government of Gallia (and any agency dealing with jump trade rights
CC: None
Subject: Jump Rights / Jump Laws

Konnichiwa Reader.

I come asking your government for jumping rights into Gallia. Now for the most part my mission would be to improve the economic ties between our two nations. Jumps would be limited to jumping the 3 legal companies of Kusari (Samura Heavy Industries, Kishiro Technologies, The Black Dragon Society) to Gallia and then back to Kusari space. Their jumps would be limited to trading only lawful commoditys back and forth between our two fine nations.

But If it is wished the jumps could be expanded to include companies of your own nation. And any sort of jumps relating to military applications would have to be discussed between our two governments as I am not able to make such grand decisions.

With Regards,

Admiral Chistu Wanabe
At the helm of the Musashi

RE: To: Gallian (Jump?) Authorities. - Trail - 03-26-2013

This is an automated message of the Kusari Secondary Fleet. It seems a message has gone unresponded for too long. This message has gone -7- days without a response and we would like to remind you of that. We appreciate your time to read this and hope for a response.

RE: To: Gallian (Jump?) Authorities. - The Gallic Union - 03-26-2013

Bonjour Admiral Wanabe,

we should have placed some more concrete timelines on our recent transmission

In principle we have no problems with our new neighbours, however the devil is always in the detail.

As you are probably awware "These are serverely limited and depend upon use intended" and we do not usally like jumping at random.

If you could supply more detail such as planned locations and commodities we would be please to consider the proposal further.

You amy also find Section 2 and 7 of the Gallic Royal Charter, of interest.
