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Slomon K'Hara Feedback - Printable Version

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Slomon K'Hara Feedback - Slomon K'Hara - 04-07-2013

Since our old feedback thread got pwned (and it was in the wrong section), I'm posting a new one. Feel free to leave your kudos on that shelf display over there, and your complaints inside those drawers that lead to the incine- I mean, the leader's desk.

RE: Slomon K'Hara Feedback - Black Widow - 05-05-2013

I found my recent experience with the k hara to be of very poor quality, the incident involved my ship
13th|HMS-Argosax, K,Hara Hammurabi (BS) and titanium reaver + other reavers in Tau 117 during the recent LSF event. I came into tau 117 to see what was going on when I found Titan reaver waiting at the newc jump hole.

Clearly I wanted to see what was going on so ignored the reaver but they kept CDing my ship til K Hara Bs arrived to engage me. I found the whole RP interaction very poor as clearly the reaver was meta gaming with the nomad to keep me cd'd til the nomad could arrive to engage me.

Now as far as i am aware the nomads have no RP stance with reavers and thus the two groups should not be working together for the sake of a kill even by meta gaming which just really poor.

Such poor RP I can expect from the reavers which is why I don't interact with them much cannon fodder to me but I didn't expect the nomads to be working with them.

As such due to the poor meta gaming from both sides I did not bother to RP back and just gave the nomad what he wanted so I just opened fire on it.

Sort your members out as its not always about the kill!!! Reavers poor show as usual

RE: Slomon K'Hara Feedback - Soul Reaper - 05-05-2013

Actually, there is some sort of a connection between the Reavers and the K'hara, which could be compared to the Nomad-Outcast or Nomad-Spectre matchups.

As far as I'm aware all of it is in-game presence, which, there's nothing wrong with that. The Nomads, just like every other human being that's not shot on sight by them, see them as a tool powerful enough to use, a tool that wants to be used as well.

RE: Slomon K'Hara Feedback - Black Widow - 05-05-2013

(05-05-2013, 11:29 AM)Soul Reaper Wrote: The Nomads, just like every other human being that's not shot on sight by them, see them as a tool powerful enough to use, a tool that wants to be used as well.

Flawed argument, nomads are not to be used like dogs by humans to do ttheir bidding for them. Why would a nomad get help from a non infected human to kill enemies why would a human help a nomad. In RP that's a bullcrap concept but in rl this situation seems to be the case as is here. Reavers not powerful to kill an enemy so use nomads to do it for them via meta game communications.

I suppose that's a reason why disco is dying no one sticks to the rules anymore and meta game to their own ends.

Perhaps there should be a second nommie faction that would approach RP differently which is actually what nomads should. K Hara having the monopoly as the only official nomad faction is poor as they do a crap job of it as demonstrated in the above example

RE: Slomon K'Hara Feedback - Soul Reaper - 05-05-2013

Flawed intelligence, and English.

Read that again, I'm saying that the NOMADS use HUMANS as tools, not the other way around. Which is entirely possible for Nomads due to mind control and other mind-screwing abilities, as well as promises of power and the such.

RE: Slomon K'Hara Feedback - Black Widow - 05-05-2013

(05-05-2013, 12:16 PM)Soul Reaper Wrote: Flawed intelligence, and English.

Read that again, I'm saying that the NOMADS use HUMANS as tools, not the other way around. Which is entirely possible for Nomads due to mind control and other mind-screwing abilities, as well as promises of power and the such.

Reavers PMing Nomads that a BAF BS is here and being told to CD it til the nomad arrives is not Mind Control or RP you Burk!

Its Metagaming

RE: Slomon K'Hara Feedback - sindroms - 05-05-2013

Most of ingame PVP is rarely based on RP. It happens in an RP setting and it contributes to that RP setting. It has to have RP explanation, but again, people play for fun. Most communications happen in out of character chat and thinking that all PvP on the server should happen strictly in RP is idyllic at best and plain stupid at worst.

RE: Slomon K'Hara Feedback - Haste - 05-05-2013

(05-05-2013, 11:13 AM)BLACKWIDOW Wrote: I found my recent experience with the k hara to be of very poor quality, the incident involved my ship
13th|HMS-Argosax, K,Hara Hammurabi (BS) and titanium reaver + other reavers in Tau 117 during the recent LSF event. I came into tau 117 to see what was going on when I found Titan reaver waiting at the newc jump hole.

Now as far as i am aware the nomads have no RP stance with reavers and thus the two groups should not be working together for the sake of a kill even by meta gaming which just really poor.

Of course, it makes perfect sense to jump into Tau-117 in a Bretonian Battleship.

Also note that the Reavers, and particularly Titanium, have a "relationship" with the K'Hara. You'll probably be able to read more about Titanium's part in this on the forums soon.

Titanium "listened to" my Marduk because of prior events. Red Reaver listened to Titanium because.. Titanium pulls a lot of weight among the Reavers.

But again, the biggest question here is why you jumped your Bret BS into a Wilde guard system (expecting to live?) in the first place.

To elaborate further: the Reavers were in that system as they were "asked" or "told" to by Hammurabi. They wouldn't have jumped if it wasn't for the fact that they were essentially hired at that point. Again, wait patiently and all will be clear.

Moar edit:

(05-05-2013, 01:26 PM)BLACKWIDOW Wrote: Reavers PMing Nomads that a BAF BS is here and being told to CD it til the nomad arrives is not Mind Control or RP you Burk!

Actually, it is.

RE: Slomon K'Hara Feedback - SummerMcLovin - 05-06-2013

Your complaint seems to be against the Reavers instead of K'Hara, but as has been explained there have been interactions between the two factions. Although it was "just Alley", Aurora technically joined as Blue.Reaver and personal characters (or factions such as the Outcast and SR) can deal with them however they wish.
On that note, your BAF ship was surprised to be shot at/worked against by a Reaver, who have hunted Bretonians for years?
Titanium is looking to be a Spectre or something like that from what I know.

As another note, keep the tone civil and both sides lessen the name calling/insulting insinuations.

RE: Slomon K'Hara Feedback - Zen_Mechanics - 05-06-2013

(05-05-2013, 05:31 PM)Hasteric Wrote:
(05-05-2013, 11:13 AM)BLACKWIDOW Wrote: I found my recent experience with the k hara to be of very poor quality, the incident involved my ship
13th|HMS-Argosax, K,Hara Hammurabi (BS) and titanium reaver + other reavers in Tau 117 during the recent LSF event. I came into tau 117 to see what was going on when I found Titan reaver waiting at the newc jump hole.

Now as far as i am aware the nomads have no RP stance with reavers and thus the two groups should not be working together for the sake of a kill even by meta gaming which just really poor.

Of course, it makes perfect sense to jump into Tau-117 in a Bretonian Battleship.

Also note that the Reavers, and particularly Titanium, have a "relationship" with the K'Hara. You'll probably be able to read more about Titanium's part in this on the forums soon.

Titanium "listened to" my Marduk because of prior events. Red Reaver listened to Titanium because.. Titanium pulls a lot of weight among the Reavers.

But again, the biggest question here is why you jumped your Bret BS into a Wilde guard system (expecting to live?) in the first place.

To elaborate further: the Reavers were in that system as they were "asked" or "told" to by Hammurabi. They wouldn't have jumped if it wasn't for the fact that they were essentially hired at that point. Again, wait patiently and all will be clear.

Moar edit:

(05-05-2013, 01:26 PM)BLACKWIDOW Wrote: Reavers PMing Nomads that a BAF BS is here and being told to CD it til the nomad arrives is not Mind Control or RP you Burk!

Actually, it is.

So you are the one who gets smashed all the time with that marduk, why am I not surprised, as for the BS.. you entered a wilde system so you can expect to be shot. As for the P.M, it is meta-gaming, but ofcourse when it involves you directly its rp while others are meta-gaming. As for the feedback, I'll give it 2 out of 10, you die more than what rp you provide which is why I give you 2 points for that, I used to be a fan of you guys, but ever since you cring to other indie nomads like a bunch vassels.. lets just wait till atum moves to newcastle then we'll have more rp and fun.