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The Contari Lance - CL} - Contari Lance - 04-19-2013

The Contari Lance

[Image: oiRTamq.png]
Leader: MiniStryke
ID and IFF: Outcast

Ship Tags:
Personal Fighter/Bomber: CL}Italian/SpanishFirst.Last
Shared Fighter/Bomber: CL}Italian/SpanishCodename
Capital Ships: CL}MNS-MediterraneanCity
Transports: CL}CT-MediterraneanCity

The Contari Lance was founded in 815 A.S., its origins rooted in a minor slave uprising within the Contari’s primary cardamine plantation. The slaves violently seized the Contari compound and killed the then-incumbent Contari don, as well as his wife and children, leaving the position open for the deceased don’s brother, Aurelio Contari. Aurelio had those who had led the revolt beheaded, though the rest of the slaves who had participated were freed. He’d armed them after all, and had to find some way to reward them.

With hundreds of freedmen now residing within the compound, Don Aurelio had to find some way to employ them. Aurelio, wishing to prevent another power struggle within the family, armed them, giving birth to the Contari Lance. To ensure the loyalty of the family’s new private military, he made the relatives who had supported him the commanders of the new organization.

Aurelio’s reign of intrigue did not end with his rise and the creation of the Lance. The Contari family’s territory and power were still relatively minor when Aurelio took charge, and he sought to change that. He had remained unmarried (though not childless) until his ascension, and through a marriage with the old, senile, and childless head of the Serpico family, Isabella Serpico, he nearly doubled the amount of territory and slaves under his control.

With the recent acquisition of the Serpico family’s holdings, Don Aurelio charged his son and heir Alessan, as well as several other important Maltese, with controlling the family’s assets outside of Malta, marking the beginning of the Lance’s first spaceborne operations. The Lance currently operates with the goal to expand Contari influence throughout Sirius, resorting to theft, smuggling, murder, and various other crimes to accomplish this.

  • Increase Contari influence within Maltese territory.
  • Seize partial or total control of the Maltese government.
  • Increase the assets and military capabilities of the Lance.
  • Capitalize on potential alliances throughout Sirius.
  • Benefit the distribution of Cardamine, both by becoming Sirius's primary Cardamine exporter, and by covertly influencing house politics towards its legalization.
  • Hinder efforts of the paramilitary organizations bordering Maltese territory, so as to fully integrate the bordering territories within the nation of Malta.

Friendlies: Samarran Raiders, Xtreme Fighters, Lane Hackers, Liberty Rogues, Golden Chrysanthemums, other Maltese
Neutrals: Zoners, Gallic Brigands, 101st Ghosts of Razgriz, foreign smugglers and slavers
Cautious: Mollys, Red Hessians, Gaians, Bretonian lawfuls, Bundschuh, Landwirtrechtbewegung, The Wild, K’Hara, well-armed freelancers, mercenaries, everyone else
Unfriendlies: Rheinland lawfuls, Maquis, Unioners, traders, poorly-armed freelancers
Hostiles: Gas Mining Guild, Independent Miners Guild, Gallic lawfuls, Colonial Republic, Liberty lawfuls, intruders, Blood Dragons, Hogosha, Kusari lawfuls, Bounty Hunters Guild, Reavers, Cryer Pharmaceuticals, the Order, Corsairs

Area of Operations:
Controlled Space: Omicron Alpha, Omicron Beta, Omicron-80, Omicron-81, and Omicron-85
Contested Space: Tau-37, Tau-23, Sigma-19, Sigma-17, Omicron Eta,
Operating Space: Other Taus, Bretonia, Liberty, Kusari, Other Sigmas, Sirius Borderworlds (Excluding Omegas), Gallic Borderworlds.

Fanteria: The Fanteria are comprised primarily of slaves, the poor, or foreign mercenaries. They are replaceable, disposable, and given little respect. The Fanteria that are not slaves are paid well, like all members of the Lance, but they are otherwise treated poorly in all regards.
Allowed Ships: Bombers, Fighters, and Freighters.

Lanciere: The Lanciere comprise the majority of the Lance, and are much more trusted than the Fanteria. They are composed of mercenary Maltese from unrelated families and trusted foreigners. Their pay is more than the Fanteria receive, and certainly enough to maintain a respectable living planetside.
Allowed Ships: Bombers, Fighters, Freighters, Gunboats and Transports.

Cavaliere: The Cavaliere are the few who have been given positions of leadership within the Lance. They are generally in charge of small squadrons of Lanciere, or larger squads of mostly Fanteria. They are required to live within the Lance’s compound on Malta to assure their loyalty, though they are each granted their own luxurious villas.
Allowed Ships: Bombers, Cruisers, Fighters, Freighters, Gunboats and Transports.

Familiare: The Familiare are the members of the Lance who are either distantly related to the Contari family, or have proven themselves to be so valuable that they have been officially adopted into the family, complete with all the rights and responsibilities that entails. This rank also includes the more important members of other Contari aligned Maltese families who have joined with the Lance.
Allowed Ships: Battleships, Bombers, Cruisers, Fighters, Freighters, Gunboats and Transports.

Comandante: The Comandante are the Lance’s executive commanders, answering only to the don of the Contari family. They oversee the entirety of the Lance in the name of the don, and all major imperatives are issued directly by them.
Allowed Ships: Battleships, Bombers, Cruisers, Fighters, Freighters, Gunboats and Transports.

  • Sundance: Antonio Fidalgo
  • OrionPew: Giosue
  • Lyth: Vergil Santos
  • Kieran.Walker: Camillia Rose
  • Jayce: Paco Relitto
  • ndk071: Adriana Amari

  • Mister_X: Santiago Munez
  • aznremix: Emanuel Armani
  • Anaximander: Dario Peruzzi
  • SoulReaper: Jax Santiago
  • Kairwen: Andreu Grec
  • Tal: Joshua Martinez
  • SummerMcLovin: Renato Medici
  • Irwin: Irwino
  • Vyticoz: Fitta Coltello
  • Syren: Mansel Alcantra

  • GrnRaptor: Drago Celestino

  • Bloogal: Marcio Castro

  • Safe Haven: Rina Como-Contari
  • MiniStryke: Luke Orsini-Contari

OORP Notes:
Firstly, a lot of you may be asking why the Contari Lance is necessary. Our answer to that question is pretty simple. Before the creation of the Lance, Outcast activity was at an all time low, and it wasn't showing any signs of improvement. Ever since we began flying, the IMG, CR, other Outcasts, and everyone else in the Taus have been seeing significant improvements to their activity, we give people more reason to log.

Many of you are probably thinking that this is far too early for the CL to be posting our request for officialdom (challenging one of the oldest official factions for their spot no less, for the first time in Disco history.) However, despite having only been around for a month and a half, we feel that, due to support from a good deal of the people we interact with, that we're ready to take on the responsibilities of an official faction. We think that by the time the review period is over (which, as we all know, usually lasts several months), we'll have an even more established presence than we already do, more than fit for an official faction.

For you Admin folk, the money for the request can be found on the ship, CL}Prima.Armeria

Links to Relevant Forum RP:
Message Dump -
Internal Database -
Savona -
Letters From Gallia -
Bowex Contract -
A Favor (IMG) -
A Ransom -

RE: CL} Official Faction Request - Amon.Cire - 04-19-2013

Well well... I was wondering why members of your faction were acting hostile to Orden
Like the faction proposal as a whole. Yes you are right, the 101st have not been too active lately. That being said, Rping trying to take over is one thing, doing it is something else entirely.
Frankly, the rp interactions I have had with your faction have been rather weak. (on multiple characters)
I'm glad to see your faction bumping OC activity, but I see no evidence that you are better suited to represent outcast interest.

RE: CL} Official Faction Request - sindroms - 04-19-2013

So far my interactions with the CL were damn awesome. I have an IMG, OC and a Junker in that area, so I could interact with your peeps from either side, and from what I see so far, I give it a steady thumbs up.

I was skeptical at first as to why we would need another OC faction, but let us face it, the current one is long dead. This is not 84 anymore and stagnation is bad. I'd say go for it.

RE: CL} Official Faction Request - Govedo13 - 04-19-2013

I have a question. I must admit that I am not aware much of the situation and the relations between different OC groups.

Why when we all are playing in server with decreasing numbers everyday you prefer to challenge the 101st for their spot ? I got the idea about them being not active enough but where is the problem for you to fly together under the same official faction banner divided in let say 2 squadrons doing your own thing?
Have you tried to talk with 101st remains for some type of cooperation and sharing the official faction spot instead of challenging it?
Bring back the old council of Dons or whatever if there is a problem in decision making for the whole faction?

I mean this for me is loose loose situation from all PoVs- if the admins go not U you would rage, if they give you 101st spot they would rage and meanwhile instead of having fun and playing together you would rage at each other and compete for the spot, I mean who needs this thing? At the end it would bring the combined OC activity down in server with bad activity..

RE: CL} Official Faction Request - Treewyrm - 04-19-2013

So the admins drop a bone about unofficial factions challenging for officialdom, but provide no clear path nor the merits by which it should be done when one is to replace another. Supposedly they also had to address how it would work in situation with multiple official factions, but that did not follow either. So what now? This fast growing mess, soon to be blown of proportion. An illustrating example of a lack of foresight from the admins who pushed for that option, while supposedly in good intent at first, this is about creating purely artificial strife between the factions of the same origin, even greater fragmentation and without a doubt we are going to witness a new round of disco-drama in the next few days to come. Worse yet: OORP reasons now guide the RP and so Lance members act hostile towards 101st, a few steps short from starting a civil war not merely in roleplay but I'm afraid between the players of this community as well. This is going to get very ugly very quick.

Right, with that being said I don't think CL is ready to challenge 101st (and I'm not a member of either group, have no characters in either camp, just having an indie outcast). Month and a half isn't really much to challenge another faction. Sorry, Lancers, but had it been a much longer period of time and really clear points to show why and how it is substantially better, but that's neither here nor there.

What I can see however is Lance being a second official faction, after a longer period of time, but not by replacing 101st like this. Jump-start activity is not really a substantial indicator for longevity, nor a merit to replace another.

(04-19-2013, 07:09 AM)sindroms Wrote: ...but let us face it, the current one is long dead.
What, have I missed the funeral?! When was that? Player faction activity has nice numbers for them.

RE: CL} Official Faction Request - sindroms - 04-19-2013

Well, I was on the spot yesterday, when the CL} and 101st were around. Their interaction was something expected from such a situation. A.I. The 101st were griefing the other side. I am sure someone has the SSs of the whole interaction, I sort of changed characters to go troll a trader I didn't like at the time.

RE: CL} Official Faction Request - Govedo13 - 04-19-2013

This was kinda my point, but it really depends on the situation actually.
If the Lance tried to establish somehow good relations with 101st before challenging and can prove it with chatlogs,screens etc, them it is one thing. If they just are just trying to kick the 101st out of their spot and make Lampoon-RP in order to justify their actions then the admins must step in and axe them all.
It would be nice if you give some evidence backed up ground information in your request so the general public can get their impressions what is going on before opening the can of worms and the other things that the biscuit monster said are 100% true.
Also 101st have 9 days of activity witch is more then combined activity of the last 5-6 factions on the activity list..

RE: CL} Official Faction Request - Treewyrm - 04-19-2013

(04-19-2013, 08:09 AM)sindroms Wrote: Well, I was on the spot yesterday, when the CL} and 101st were around. Their interaction was something expected from such a situation. A.I. The 101st were griefing the other side. I am sure someone has the SSs of the whole interaction, I sort of changed characters to go troll a trader I didn't like at the time.
I was there. I'll correct you by saying that both sides were doing their best to insult each other stopping short from opening fire, it was quite a mess. Overall this isn't getting healthy - it goes well outside roleplay boundary, and nothing good is coming out of that.

RE: CL} Official Faction Request - sindroms - 04-19-2013

I did come around when the mess was already mid-way, so I can only give a one sided description of the situation. Again, if someone bothered to take SSs, let them post. As for me, gonna get back to work for now. My opinion still stands, tho. Alpha might need a bit of change, so perhaps a new faction is in order.

RE: CL} Official Faction Request - Irwin - 04-19-2013

@Treewyrm - Well, firstly, I'd like to address your point in regards to our time existing and whatnot. Though we've only existed for a month and a half, we believe that, as we've been doing quite well whilst we've existed so far, we'll continue to do so. The official faction review period often takes three months or longer, and by the time it's over, we believe we'll have made it clear to everyone that we're here to stay, with a solidified position on the server and a faction that's either ready to be official or not. That should be clear to the admins once the long review period's over.

Secondly, I would prefer not to go into a detailed listing as to why we think we're 'better' than the 101st. Giving out a list of reasons here will spark needless argument and conflict between the two factions and the rest of the server. That doesn't need to happen, and we don't want it to. We'll let our ingame interactions speak for themselves, and let the admins and community decide, rather than try to convince them. Make sense? As for the rest of your points, about the conflict, well, that could prove to be a problem with this process, we'll have to see how things work out.

Regardless of whether or not we become official though, when we started, the 101st was around 3 days of activity. We've at least helped boost that up, and substantially so, though a lot of that is also their own effort. Activity does generate activity.

@Govedo - Well, it was something we considered, but, we want to change the way Outcasts are represented as a whole, others may disagree with us on this though. The 101st does what they want to do, and if we were to try merging with them, ultimately, they'd still be the ones running the show, and we'd be left in the back. If we were to join the 101st, getting the change we want by rising through the ranks etc could prove to be a much more difficult task. We opted for this path instead.

EDIT: About the events with the 101st in Alpha, can we refrain from assuming the worst? The outcome of that whole event actually turned out to be quite positive, both IRP and OORP, with talks with some of the 101st in the process. Furthermore, that event was sparked purely by an RP interaction earlier in 23.