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Open Transmission To Whole Sirius, the Galaxy, and Further - Printable Version

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Open Transmission To Whole Sirius, the Galaxy, and Further - Thunderer - 04-20-2013

- Incoming Transmission -

-= No Encryption =-

Priority: VERY HIGH
To: Everyone and Everybody
From: Eamonn O'Doherty
Location: Omega... Error... Loading Data... Failure...
Subject: Pickles

[Image: doherty.jpg]

Pickles are EVIL! *hick* EVIL! Trust me! It moight not look loike that roight n... *hick* now, but they are foul little fellas! Burn them, *hick* destroy them, destroy them all, or they shall... What!? No! No! Aaaarrrghhhh!!! *a sound of the transmitter dropping on the floor is heard, and then heavy signal disturbancies*

- Signal Lost -

RE: Open Transmission To Whole Sirius, the Galaxy, and Further - JayDee Kasane - 04-20-2013

:::Incomming Transmission:::

Comm ID: Ronaldo Lopez
Source: Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma
Security: Low
Target: Eamonn O'Doherty

:::Message Begins:::

[Image: jack3i.png]

Hola. This is Corsair ace Ronaldo Lopez.

You definitly need to drink less booze, amigo. I know that rum is amazing and all, but just know your dose.
And especially, never use any type of communication channels while you drunk, if you had too much drink that your weak non-Corsair body can handle. Please?

Ronaldo Lopez over and out
[Image: sigcorsair.png]

:::Transmission Terminated:::

RE: Open Transmission To Whole Sirius, the Galaxy, and Further - Zynth - 04-20-2013

:::Incoming Transmission:::
:::Establishing video feed:::
:::Video feed: Live:::

ID: Klaus van Kloff
Location: New Berlin

Hey Corsair.

Vat do you meen by "Non-Corsair body". Ich believes zat zee Rheinlander's bier drinkeen capacity ist superior to anee body else's.

I dreenk moar bier in ein day zhan you dreenk in zee entire year.

:::Closing Transmission:::

RE: Open Transmission To Whole Sirius, the Galaxy, and Further - Karst - 04-20-2013

-incoming transmission-
-source: LL-Pennybrooke-
-subject: Pickles-

Greetings, Mr. O'Doherty, this is Edwin Pennybrooke.

I'm afraid you are quite mistaken about pickles, they are an integral part of any fine sandwich.
At this very moment, I am lovingly layering pickles atop onion rings, shredded red cabbage, smoked mackerel, and pickled pepperoni, to be topped off with a lettuce leaf and another slice of bread, creating a sandwich fit for the gods.

Your hatred of pickles is wrong for sandwiches, and indeed wrong for humanity.

Regards, Edwin Pennybrooke

-end transmission-

RE: Open Transmission To Whole Sirius, the Galaxy, and Further - Strichev - 04-20-2013

[Image: NewBM.png]

A spacious study can be seen, dominated by ornately decorated wooden desk. On it is a glass of what seems to be some sort of Gin and tonic, half empty. With a heavy rheinlandish accent a person that is unintentionally out of focus begins to speak.

Herr O'Doherty!

I find you an abomination! Yes, you've heard me right. To call pickles foul is the worst of insults! We at the Museum have found out that human history wouldn't be as is without them. To insult pickles is to insult all mankind!

The figure than grabs the glass and disappears as the signal loses it strength.

RE: Open Transmission To Whole Sirius, the Galaxy, and Further - lIceColon - 04-20-2013

Incoming Transmission
Source: S.S.Trashmaster
Subject: Pickles, not pickles

Hello to you all,

I do believe that you guys are wrong about the pickles Eamonn is talking about. While I was in Bornholm I saw some Corsair smugglers offer some special kind of alien Artifacts they called "pickles". I mean those pickles were quite similar to normal pickles, in fact you couldn't tell the Alien pickle apart from a normal pickle. People who were interested in the pickles bought crates and crates of them, but then the buyers were never heard of again.

Some told me that these pickles were in fact pickles, which are different from normal pickles in that they taste extra good when covered in tender chicken pieces dressed lightly with teriyaki sauce, served hot and topped with a delightfully crunchy fresh combination of garden lettuce, tomatoes, green peppers, onions and olives. Some have gone mad trying to find all of these ingredients, some of which believed to have been perished along with the destruction of sol, although some think that these pickles are just the alien's first step to opening an exclusive sandwich chain which would aid in their ultimate goal of destroying mankind.

I personally scavenged a crate of pickles from a wreck once. The crew thought that the people aboard the ship had been eaten alive, although to be fair it was Halloween. We sold the pickles to some guy in Leipzig, and a week later he was found to be shot dead, autopsy reported pickles in his digestive system.

I think O'Doherty might be onto something.

Be careful and always choose the Junkers as your preferred checkpoint in your operations.

Yours, Packer

RE: Open Transmission To Whole Sirius, the Galaxy, and Further - Thunderer - 04-21-2013

- Incoming Transmission -

-= No Encryption =-

Priority: Low
To: Everyone and Everybody
From: Eamonn O'Doherty
Location: Omega... Error... Loading Data... Failure...
Subject: RE: Pickles

[Image: doherty.jpg]

*No, he isn't smiling. I doubt anybody would with such a hangover. There are also slight disturbances in the signal*

B... loody hell! *touches his temples and then painfully closes his eyes. He speaks a lot less loud after that* Did oi really say... all that? Damn... *sighs*

The Corsair - me body is not weak. Oi survived yer bloody attack on Cork half burnt, ye filthy Corsair! *makes a painful face and touches his temples again* These Ga *static* ans are just terrible at making whiskey.

Mister van Kloff - oi think oi can agree with ya. Partially - yer drinking capacity is not su *static* erior to the Mollies'.

Mister Pennybrooke - enjoy in yer disgusting sandwich. Or just remove the pickles ta make it delicious.

Mister... you, that squint from the New Berlin museum - Oi'm not an abomination, but ye're me next poirating target. Or... better not. Yer "science" could make Rheinland replace its turtles with big c *static* tes of pickles. Oi can help ya persuade them, would ya agree?

That Junker from the S.S. Trashmaster - ye're crazy.

- Signal Lost -