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To: Doctor John Henry Holiday - Printable Version

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To: Doctor John Henry Holiday - AlphaWolf215 - 04-20-2013

Target ID: Doctor John Henry Holiday
Sender ID: Agent Michael King
Subject: Criminal "Jack White"

Doctor Holiday,

*he moves back into the light a little, showing the waiting/briefing room of Shasta Orbital Skyhook*

I have reason to believe that you may be harboring a criminal of Liberty, specifically, a criminal that just blew his arm off. I, *pauses* WAS his probation officer, but he decided to run. I came here in hopes to find you but *indicates the room around him* your lackys threw me in here. I want to know what you have heard, Doc. Then we'll go from there eh? *smiles slyly* I suppose i'll just sit and wait for your answer...

Agent Michael King,
Liberty Security Force,
Probationary Dutys

//this does relate to this here -->

RE: To: Doctor John Henry Holiday - Doc Holliday - 04-22-2013

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc.Holliday
Location: Canaria Medical Center, Planet Gran Canaria
To: Agent Michael King

Kallisti, Agent King,

Your message explains a few things. Yes, I have Mr. Daniels at my facility and he's currently under the treatment of the staff here. Please, spare me the legal talk of aiding a felon as Liberty law doesn't apply out here.
I can't give you details due to doctor/patient confidentiality laws but I will say that he's currently weak but stable. He was brought here in a medical shuttle.
Gives a stern look to the door behind him He has some explaining to do.

I'm not going to release him for awhile yet. If you wish, I will keep him in my custody. If there are any fines incurred, I will take care of those too. So what is it that you wish to do at this point?

Dr. John Henry Holliday

//sorry for the delay. I was out for a couple of days.

RE: To: Doctor John Henry Holiday - Doc Holliday - 04-22-2013

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc.Holliday
To: Agent Michael King

Kallisti Again, Agent King,

If you wish to come to Canaria Medical to speak with Mr. Daniels then I will allow that. After a long chat with him, he seems repentant and ready to make positive change in his life. If you're willing, Sir, perhaps you and I can come to an agreement for him to remain in my custody where he can make change without having bureaucrats breathing down his neck. If you're coming, I would suggest you do so quickly as he will be transferred to Med.Force.One in a day or two and considering the secret nature of things there, I don't allow visitors there.

Dr. John Henry Holliday

RE: To: Doctor John Henry Holiday - AlphaWolf215 - 04-22-2013

Target ID: Doctor John Henry Holiday
Sender ID: Agent Michael King
Subject: Criminal "Jack White"

*he replays the transmissions a last time before begining his reply transmission*

Doc Holiday... *he pauses a second before continuing, speaking like Doc*

"Liberty Law doesn't apply out here" *laughs, standing and walking away from the camera, before calming himself and sitting in the seat again* Doc, you say it as if i am supposed to care. The lives this man has taken. Your a family man right Doc, i can tell it to some extent about your person. Well remember this about the "gentleman" in your "Custody". He is a cold blooded killer. "Xeno" as his file says. He has killed men, women, children Doc. I plead you not believe this man nor try defend him. How about a list of crimes? To begin, piracy of civilians, although he was released on this early probation for that one, Attacking, and killing, of Naval officers, and Officers of the law. Hijacking and flying stolen ships, my personal ship to be exact! Illegal possession and use of a firearm. and lastly, trying to remove a probationary tag, then evading the law. I am authorised, due to the long list of crimes this, thing, has racked up, to drag him back liberty, with a bullet in his head, or still breathing. Liberty Law doesn't apply? No, it doesn't, but i'm LSF. We don't always, "Play nice". You may think I'm being slightly extreme Doc, but i'd rather you and your people STAYED alive, rather than see them in body bags alongside his.

On to the second of your messages. I will be making my way down to Canaria shortly. Keep him there. I do have some questions for him. But to get there, i need to find a way to get out and have your female "guard" leave me alone. every time i get up, she pushes me back into my seat.
*holds up a picture of the female guard that let Jack into the elevator down from shasta, and then stopped King as he entered* Perhaps you could do something with this woman eh? Almost getting tired of her.

Oh Doc, one last thing. Patient Doctor confidentiality, don't need you to explain
*holds a bag of blood and another with bits of skin and fingers in it* I saw the damage shortly after it happened. I'll be seeing you soon Doc.

Agent Michael King,
Liberty Security Force,
Probationary Dutys

RE: To: Doctor John Henry Holiday - Doc Holliday - 04-23-2013

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc.Holliday
To: Agent Michael King

Mr. White won't be a problem to anyone here. When I built this facility and [TAZ]Med.Force.One, I built them both with strong security in mind. I had to as I deal with the likes of Corsairs, Mollies and Bounty Hunters who in my mind are no better than the previously mentioned two. Still, through it all, people respect it as a place a peace and I enforce it.

Whatever Mr. White's crimes are are against you, not me. You are granted visitation to see him and I will be present, that or my chief resident, Dr. Doreen Naggers as he is technically her patient until he's officially released to me. I will allow you to bring one staff member with you. He is not leaving here, not now.

I've been talking with him. So he was a bad man. Even my past isn't pretty. People change. He ran to escape his past and start anew. Perhaps you should grant him that chance. A change of scene sometimes helps.

I will be waiting when you arrive.

Dr. John Henry Holliday