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To: A lone ship leaving the Sirius sector. - Printable Version

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To: A lone ship leaving the Sirius sector. - Commissar - 04-22-2013

[Image: ContentsMayDiffer_zps49f84b8f.png]


[Older now, with the cost of experience written on features that still radiated that familiar aura of optimism, Sarah McFarlen sat, legs crossed, on the bridge of a ship that stretched beyond the narrow perspective of the camera, grey corridors vanishing in a sea of shadows behind her.]

You know, I don't think I ever won one of our arguments. You always were better at that sort of logical, step-by-step, thinking then I was. Odd for a so-called engineer, huh? Either that or you were just a better shot with a pillow.

So, while I want nothing more than to try and talk you out of leaving, I won't. You'd just win that one too. Instead, I'll wish you good luck.

I know I haven't been the best friend. I wasn't there when you needed me. More often than not, you came to find me before I went looking for you. I never offered to help, never really considered that... Considered that, well, you were a human being as well.

[She averted her gaze from the camera, staring down at a datapad clutched in her lap, yet not really seeing it. Battered and covered in a mixture of pen markings, soil, and ship chemicals, it was barely recognisable as the new device she carried on Buffalo years ago.]

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry.

You saved my life more times than I can remember, and I never really thanked you for that either. Part of me thought you weren't ever really there, the way you came and went. Until I saw your message, I suppose I wasn't ever sure. I used to think that you were my own personal guardian angel, the way Anubis would appear right when I needed help most. Last year, when I was travelling with the Zoners out on the Edge Worlds, I used to look out the window and imagine I could see the outline of an Osiris shadowing us, hovering just out of view, and I felt a little less alone.

It'll be weird to know that it's gone.

Did I ever tell you that my Dad was in the Navy? Electronics analyst or something. A long time ago, he left not long after I was born. Mom used to worry herself sick about the danger. I can't remember much from back then, but I remember that. Maybe that was why I left the way I did. Anyway, my family goes back a long way. I had a distant cousin who drew up the family tree, all the way back to Scotland and Ireland on Old Earth. I guess some of that stuck with us. There was a song Mom used to sing before Dad left. The tune stuck in my head for years until I was finally old enough to learn the words.

I haven't sung it since I left, but, if you don't mind...

[Light shone on her face as she flicked the datapad on, the camera helpfully linking lyrics. Conveniently, the feed obscured Sarah's face. It seemed the former Rogue was less confident then she let on. Nonetheless, after a moments silence, a voice drifted across the comms line, distorted by distance, but still clearly audible. Slow and hesitant, she hovered between lines, skipping a few beats before she settled into a rhythm, voice building in strength.]

"May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rain fall soft upon your fields,

And until we meet again,
May God hold you in His hands.

[Lyrics faded along with the music, the screen once again showing a hunched Sarah McFarlen, hair hanging loose from her forehead. She drew a breath that caught for a moment, the faintest trace of a tear, and then it was gone again, the girl returning her gaze to the impartial camera.]

I still think peace is possible out here, in the troubled little sphere of space we live in. If not between factions, then at least with ourselves. I'll know I'll keep looking for mine. I hope you find your peace out there too, Christopher Dangen, whatever it may be.

Sarah McFarlen

[Image: MessageEnds_zps2c7e9add.png]

// Any character wishing to send a message to the departing Christopher Dangen can do so here.

RE: To: A lone ship leaving the Sirius sector. - Jeremy Hunter - 04-22-2013

[Image: 2iasvx1.png]

Sorry for piggybacking your signal, Sarah. Blame Jeremy.

She sighed

Hey Chris. I'm gonna keep this brief. As much as I want to yell and rant at you...I won't.

I love you Chris. I always have. I always will.

She smiled sadly

Stay safe...for me, at least?


[Image: e0lbfr.png]

OOC: Commissar said I could post here!

RE: To: A lone ship leaving the Sirius sector. - Daerune - 04-23-2013

Duel outbound transmission with singular messages to both current senders.

Before the screen sat a young man though his eyes old souled, his features belittled his true age though none among any of them really knew how old he actually was. He was reclined back in a chair with his legs out before him crossed on a small stool like stand. his head inclined and off to the side a bit.

"Dear Sarah McFarlen."

There was a small and gentle chuckle and the faintest of smirks on the face of D.

No you wouldn't win one of our arugments for I was always picking apart my own things, I took the quieter path and one can hardly argue with that and I am a very good shot with a pillow that is if it is hard hitting, when it comes to soft pillows, its not as easy to manage.

To the next few lines there was a guilty spark of stubbornness to his eyes that were in its own way condemned to his own words.

I think you'd find that my vanity didn't often allow for those to help me so easily and I wasn't being a human just my self running on my own moral obligations which had gotten me into a lot more trouble then what was probably safe.

His words and stance changed he sat up more erect and his voice held the notes one might expect from an elder brother figure.

Yes, There was the time I have saved your life here and again but the small times of company and memories were all I required, there was no big debt that is all paid in full, I have always been a free spirit and to tie me down often became a volatile occurrence, A guardian never leaves you if not there physically it is there mentally and there is all times where a bird must be let go so that it can go off on its own. I have helped give you the chance to join the stars and you have and its time to look forward, carry a guardian mentally and they will always be there.

With a small tinge of guilt due to a mischievous smile.

I don't mind to hear you sing but only to add humor so that you might laugh through the tears.

May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rain fall soft upon your fields,

And until we meet again,
May God hold you in His hands

I hope the wind is not for that means there's a hole in my ship.
If I have the sun in my face I am flying into it.
Shall it rain that means there's a fire on my ship.

Someday we will all meet again how ever if God, man handles me, you can be sure as the seventh circle of hell I'll stab said hands.

He lent back once again with a truth-bearing tone. he would speak once again slightly apologetic for what ever offense he might have caused with his words to the song.

At times of serious moments there are times where it is good to be humorous, for who knows we might see each other again, I travel in a battleship with twelve cannons and a lot more smaller arms on-board I could start something like the next alien invasion or something, I wouldn't put it past myself, so if I am running the opposite direction, try keep up.

He lent forward this time his elbows to his knees and his feet of the stool. his hands folded together.

Now for seriousness, I have read a few books in my time and I have found quotes that I have adored and so I will tell you some of one of them, We are but Dust and Shadows.... Every ones existence is a flame that portrays a shadow upon our lives of where we have been, when our like goes out so does the shadow no longer is it there, every moment we must lead the lives not as how we will make a mark on history but for how we want to enjoy life and how to live life, so remember Sarah, The shadow of your life is to be enjoyed and remembered by those who you have shared everything with, because in the end, everything fades and becomes forgotten so instead of leaving a mark, have fun with drawing and scribbling its a lot more fun and you get more out of it.

Humanity can have peace when they all become one, one they will not become and so split apart and divided in minds there will forever be conflict. Truly, thank you for the song, I will still be watching this for a little bit of time until I am to far away to write anymore and remember, I still have the jump-drive coordinates, I will have my ship drift in space for there is no friction or anything to slow me down.

You know, people never knew or thought that I might have a religion and as to why I helped people just because, from those old earth days what has stuck to me and what I have liked to believe, I'm Pagan, so if you ever see the star in the circle, the symbol of protection from evil? think of me punching the evil-doers in the face.


"Dear Ellie Hunter.

Yell all you want and rant but you'll find that you'll be using more breathe then needed. If I stayed safe, would I ever truly be my self? I am Nephilim. Take care of your self, see you on the rebound of the reincarnation of life."