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To: GRN-HQ Subject: Zoner carrier in Maine - Printable Version

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To: GRN-HQ Subject: Zoner carrier in Maine - Francois Lolonnois - 04-25-2013

Bonjour, mon General
I'm the captain of the Solar Pachyderme "Omicron.Lyrae" and I feel the necessity to inform you about something I saw when I come to Planet Mayenne in Maine system.
In front of the planet there was a Zoner-IDed Aquilon-carrier called Jumper (not an OSI one Zoner), equipped with a strange device, a so-called Jump Drive Module Series IV.
After a few seconds a Republican ID-ed Stork called 1.2.Blubb.Blubb undocked from Mayenne and seemed to get in formation with that carrier.
After a while both ships disappeared.
I'm not sure whether my nerves played a game with me or whether this situation really happened, but I feel I had to inform you about it.
Oh yes, close to the Aquilon there was a huge package of Oil, which the carrier seemed to tractor in parts. I hope this helps you.




Long live our glorious King!
M. Durant

RE: To: GRN-HQ Subject: Zoner carrier in Maine - Jansen - 04-26-2013

***Incoming Transmission***

Comm ID: Fleet Coordiation Office
Location: Ile De France

Monsieur Durant,

We thank you for bringing this matter to our attention, it will be dealt with.
We assume that the Royal Navy already has pinned these vessels down, so that their destruction is only a matter of time.

***Transmission Ended***