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Haver's - FP2 Bar/Club/Restaurant - Printable Version

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Haver's - FP2 Bar/Club/Restaurant - Tyler - 05-20-2013

  1. No shootin'.
  2. No stabbin'.
  3. Actually, no weapons of any sort allowed, that includes those fists.
  4. The attending bartender is ALWAYS right.
  5. If the attending bartender is WRONG, see rule No. 4.
  6. No offensive smells from the visitor, or staff, for that matter.
  7. Got beef with someone else? Take it outside, or we dump you out.

- Haver's Freeport II, Est. 819 A.S. -

Before passing through the lock it shows the rules mentioned above on a big plaque to the left of the door. From the inside sounds are heard, presumably a live band. Going through the door, the colours that apparently inhabit this place are etched inside your brain. The music is playing so loud that at first you take two steps back, before you get adjusted to it.

RE: Haver's - FP2 Bar/Club/Restaurant - LunaticOnTheGrass - 05-20-2013

Freshly changed out of his flightsuit into relatively simple "business-casual" attire sans tie, Erich Klugmann recoiled immediately at the volume of the live band's music.

"This can't be the place that Sachs said to meet".

The physically unassuming man of modest height and an atmosphere befitting someone rather shy found a spot at the back of the bar, where presumably other shady deals were taking place. A waiter caught his eye and gestured to the menu in his hand, but Erich merely shook his head and waved him off.

"And now I wait".

RE: Haver's - FP2 Bar/Club/Restaurant - Tyler - 06-01-2013

With the confident air that most 'veterans' possess, Nelly entered the bar. Walking slightly limp with her left leg she went straight ahead for the bar, ordering a bottle of scotch and 2 glasses. Looking at the shelf behind the bartender she aimed for a package of cigarettes and signaled the universal signal for three.

She sighs and made her way across to the corner. Noticing the gentleman sitting rather alone she thought to herself:

"Perhaps it's him.... Worth checking."

She moved towards him and looked at him.

"Ich am Nelly. Und you?"

RE: Haver's - FP2 Bar/Club/Restaurant - LunaticOnTheGrass - 06-01-2013

Perhaps not expecting someone as venerable as her, Erich's brow momentarily furrowed as he looked her over.

"Nelly Sachs? You are the President of ALG? A profound pleasure to make your acquaintence." His tone was measured and somewhat cautious, but not impolite.

"I am Oberst Erich Klugmann, leader of the Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee and amongst the most-wanted men in all of Rheinland. If this in any way means something to you."

He sets his jacket up on the back of his chair, patiently giving Nelly a look over again, before again wincing at the volume of the music.

"What would you like to discuss?"

RE: Haver's - FP2 Bar/Club/Restaurant - Tyler - 06-01-2013

"How about discussing... or rather deciding from my end on acquiring ourselves a much more suitable conversation environment?"

Without waiting for an reply she moves up to the bartender and discusses a few thing with him, after a couple of seconds he move away from the bar and directs Nelly to follow him. Nelly in turn signals Erich to follow him.

"Got to show some 'cojones', as that captain of the Murcielago would say, even as Ich lack them physically..."

She thinks to herself.

Being directed into a much smaller, and very quiet room, Nelly sits down and places the bottle and two glasses in front of her. Grabbing a ashtray she lights one cigarette and slides the pack over the table towards the empty seat, waiting for Erich.

"Ich wonder if he drinks und smokes. We'll see..."

RE: Haver's - FP2 Bar/Club/Restaurant - LunaticOnTheGrass - 06-01-2013

Erich takes his new seat, seemingly more relaxed without droning music in the background. He politely declines the cigarettes but avails himself of a half-filled glass of scotch.

He glances back up to Nelly, appearing curious. "I am interested in what you wish to discuss with me that requires this level of privacy, President Sachs."

RE: Haver's - FP2 Bar/Club/Restaurant - Tyler - 06-01-2013

"You mentioned several things during our meeting in Sigma-13. Things Ich have not heard about before, nor things Ich liked hearing. Perhaps it's the truth, perhaps not, Ich am not ein investigator. Und even if Ich believed these 'accusations'... Und let's just call them that for now, if you don't mind... Or if Ich knew the truth und it wouldn't be as picture perfect as displayed by the media, Ich am dumbstruck by the information that got fired rapidly upon me, from you -und- my escort, Hans."

She drinks her scotch and fills herself another one. With her eyebrow raised she looks at Erich.

"Mind if Ich invite Hans here? He resides at Dortmund, which is not that far off. Ich would like to have his side of the story too, in a more safer environment then space."

RE: Haver's - FP2 Bar/Club/Restaurant - LunaticOnTheGrass - 06-01-2013

"I don't mind whatsoever if you invite him here." Erich stated staidly. "If I may ask, though, I am personally quite baffled that you have never heard anything whatsoever about what the Bundesrepublik has become."

Erich chose his next words carefully. "I am not accusing you of having a disconnect with the plight of Rheinland's common people, but I am curious as to how your own quality of life has been for you to be surprised about what I had said." Seemingly finding his next question relevant and related, he continued. "Where were you during the Nomad War?"

RE: Haver's - FP2 Bar/Club/Restaurant - Tyler - 06-01-2013

Opening her neuralnet she contacted Hans and asked if he was capable of joining them in Haver's, deck 2A, room 4B. She closed down the neuralnet and stared out the window.

"Hopefully he'll be here in a hour or so, all depends the traffic of course."

"Keep that question about the Nomad war for later, Ich shall reply to that. Just gathering my thoughts for now und try to explain my position."

RE: Haver's - FP2 Bar/Club/Restaurant - Noraim - 06-03-2013

Shortly after entering the bar, Hans took a look around before noticing the bartender waved him over. As he approached, they shook hands and drew closer, the bartender whispering a message and pointing Hans towards a nearby room. He noded and proceeded, knocking upon the door before entering, his gaze coming to reside upon his boss and the guest she was conversating with.

"Guten Abend. Pardon the delay and..I hope I didn't interrupt something.."