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And who exactly are the Admins? - Printable Version

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And who exactly are the Admins? - Soul Reaper - 05-21-2013

That's right.


Now, let me just say beforehand, I have nothing to do with said group's role play nor do I know any players in that faction or have any bias towards or against them.

Now, Phantoms might have been locked away from Discovery but that post was done in the stories section, and belong's to the person(s) who wrote it, it might not be legit nor might the RP go anywhere ingame.

But how does that give the admins (or anyone) the right to instantly lock the thread and tell them that their roleplay is wrong?

What the flying fuck.

What's going on with you people, the people supposedly running Discovery. You could have just dropped him a message informing him that the Phantoms won't be used ingame. You do not have any say over some fiction someone writes to entertain themselves, or has discovery lowered itself to such a point where even the admins limit RP by using forum mechanics?

I'd really love to hear a legit explanation from the Admin team, and if you lock this or well, anything of that sort, I'll have my answer anyway.

RE: And who exactly are the Admins? - Tyler - 05-21-2013

Pinned topic. 'nuff said.

RE: And who exactly are the Admins? - Miaou - 05-21-2013

The dude who posted it already got his answer as well.

Edit: Remember this is a "private" forum, in the sense that it's not a democracy. The admins run the show and will keep it as peaceful as they wish. They do a good job most of the time. Should see some other forums. Horrid.

RE: And who exactly are the Admins? - Soul Reaper - 05-21-2013

That still doesn't justify locking a post in the stories section for that. They're not asking for the ID or anything, nor is it an official request to become the Phantoms.

It's just a story.

I understand that the Phantoms will not be back and I understand that they were told that as well, but I don't understand how that has anything to do with a story that might concern the Phantoms's roleplay.

RE: And who exactly are the Admins? - Scumbag - 05-21-2013

Where can i see other stories about these phantoms?

RE: And who exactly are the Admins? - Agmen of Eladesor - 05-21-2013

I guess I have an idea, then, based upon what you're saying.

How about I make an RP story about a group of homosexual Nazi pedophiles who have superpowers and don't need spaceships, but can instantly destroy any ship they run across because they're better than superman.

To use your excuse, it's just a story.

Of course, it doesn't belong in the DiscoGC universe now anymore than the the Phantoms do, but hey ... it's just a story, right?

As far as this comment:

Quote:But how does that give the admins (or anyone) the right to instantly lock the thread and tell them that their roleplay is wrong?

Let me break that down for you:
the admins (or anyone) the right to instantly lock the thread
the admins ... the right to instantly lock the thread
the admins ... the right
the admins

What does admin mean? That these are a group of fuzzy Brony lovers who look at suggestions from their adoring public and may or may not do anything about it? No, it means that these are the people in CHARGE, who MAKE THE RULES, and who ultimately have the DECISION POWER to 'instantly lock a thread' and tell someone that their roleplay - even in a story - does NOT belong here.

Note that they didn't say the RP was wrong, as you suggested. They simply said - nope, not here, get over it, deal with it, and go somewhere else.

And if you were paying in the least attention to the signature of the OP of the story, you'd see something very disturbing there. The word Dark Wing. You've been here long enough that ANY reference to Dark Wing should make you shudder in horror. Now consider Dark Wing with terrorist ID's. They damn near destroyed the BHG ID, and were an abusive and completely disgusting group of players. If these new Dark Wing are related to the old Dark Wing, then we would be better off without them in the first place - let alone giving them terrorist ID's.

RE: And who exactly are the Admins? - Soul Reaper - 05-21-2013

(05-21-2013, 04:12 PM)Agmen of Eladesor Wrote: I guess I have an idea, then, based upon what you're saying.

How about I make an RP story about a group of homosexual Nazi pedophiles who have superpowers and don't need spaceships, but can instantly destroy any ship they run across because they're better than superman.

To use your excuse, it's just a story.

Of course, it doesn't belong in the DiscoGC universe now anymore than the the Phantoms do, but hey ... it's just a story, right?

Yep, just a story. And as for context, Phantoms were a part of disco lore, so I don't see the comparison there.

(05-21-2013, 04:12 PM)Agmen of Eladesor Wrote: As far as this comment:

Quote:But how does that give the admins (or anyone) the right to instantly lock the thread and tell them that their roleplay is wrong?

Let me break that down for you:
the admins (or anyone) the right to instantly lock the thread
the admins ... the right to instantly lock the thread
the admins ... the right
the admins

What does admin mean? That these are a group of fuzzy Brony lovers who look at suggestions from their adoring public and may or may not do anything about it? No, it means that these are the people in CHARGE, who MAKE THE RULES, and who ultimately have the DECISION POWER to 'instantly lock a thread' and tell someone that their roleplay - even in a story - does NOT belong here.

Note that they didn't say the RP was wrong, as you suggested. They simply said - nope, not here, get over it, deal with it, and go somewhere else.

And if you were paying in the least attention to the signature of the OP of the story, you'd see something very disturbing there. The word Dark Wing. You've been here long enough that ANY reference to Dark Wing should make you shudder in horror. Now consider Dark Wing with terrorist ID's. They damn near destroyed the BHG ID, and were an abusive and completely disgusting group of players. If these new Dark Wing are related to the old Dark Wing, then we would be better off without them in the first place - let alone giving them terrorist ID's.

I'm not saying they can't, although my wording -does- imply that I am, but what I mean is the change of the administration to limit people in this way, I have never seen such a blatant show of non-caring a single bit about any roleplay -be it legit or not- by the admins, until now. This is more of my bitching, just to make sure everyone sees how much discovery has downgraded.

As for the Dark Wing, yes I do know about them. But just because they mentioned them or are trying to be them, doesn't mean they will. If it's going to be something that affects ingame interactions as well as lore in such a way then the admins wouldn't allow it anyway now would they?

What I'm saying is that that thread, and bit of story doesn't affect anything or anyone in-game or lore, people can simply choose to ignore it.

Oh and, as for how much of assholes the Dark Wing was-or the phantoms-, I ganked and annihilated every single one of them at one time or another, so no, I don't feel any horror, but that's my ego going off topic anyway.

RE: And who exactly are the Admins? - sindroms - 05-21-2013

Lol this thread.

That is all.

RE: And who exactly are the Admins? - Omicron - 05-21-2013

So much screaming about random and useless import of some cartoon aliens which will not even be remembered in the long term.

RE: And who exactly are the Admins? - Ceoran - 05-21-2013

Instalocking it seems harsh, but then again I can't really come up with a more suitable forum section for stories that have nothing to do with the server.