Omega Conflict

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The Trimvirate-Corsair War
Part of the Hessian - Corsair war
Date 820 A.S. (Continuation of the Corsair - Hessian War in 740 A.S.
Location Omega Systems
Border Worlds
Status Ongoing conflict

Red Hessians, Coalition, Mollys

Flag-corsairs.png Corsairs


Exact number unknown

Exact number unknown, believed to have number-superiority

As the Corsairs and Red Hessians battled for supremacy in the Omega Regions during the Corsair fleet movements into Omega-49 caused both the Sirius Coalition and the Mollys to feel threatened by these intruders encroaching upon their doorstep. The Coalition, Mollys and the Red Hessians signed a three-way Alliance which came ot be called the Omega Triumvirate with the express purpose of driving back Corsair Influence and the end-goal of either conquest of the Corsair Empire or it's complete destruction.

A secondary objective to driving the Corsairs out of Omega-49 is to clear the path for an invasion into the Cayman system in order to utilize it's natural resources to fuel the war effort for all three organizations, however the Corsairs continue to express intense resistance to the Triumvirate's attempts at expelling them, seeking to utilize Omega-49 as a gateway into Dublin and it's rich Gold fields in addition to other parts of Bretonia.

At present the Systems of Omega-5 and Omega-49 are a stale-mate with half of Omega-47 under partial Red Hessian control. Intense combat is common-place throughout the lower Omegas while occasionally spilling into House-Controlled Omega Regions.

In recent times Triuvmirate forces in Omega-49 managed to drive out the Fes Battlegroup and secure Omega-49 which was also aided by the collapse of the [[Omega-47] Jump Hole, freeing up local forces to fight on other fronts and prepare for the Cayman Invasion while Corsair assets who escaped into Poole prepare to prey upon Bretonian assets to fuel the Corsair's own war efforts.