Kate Golanska

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Kate Golanska
Origin Edge Worlds
Occupation Reapers of Sirius general
Gender Female
Affiliation Reapers of Sirius, Zoners
Rank Angel
Status Active (819 A.S.)
Born 30th April 798 A.S., Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma
Run away? I did it all time and I am sick of that. Retreat only as part of tactic or to fight another day. Here is the momenth I face opressors and overcome them. Roles of hunter and prey have changed.


An Angel (equivalent of general) within Reapers of Sirius, commander of Devil Wings squadron. Born on Crete, raised as a Zoner spent lots of time in galactic south of Sirius Sector living mostly onboard Freeport 9 and Porto Novo.

Devil-Wings.pngZoner life

Living in dangerous edge space, Kate made her living from escorting trade convoys through mostly Omega sector. Excelent knowledge of those systems allowed here to survive lots of battles, even through she is not bad pilot. Life was 'easy' considering lots of threats around, including pirates. Corsairs were taking everything they wanted but really ominous times came with fall of Zoner Alliance and Omicron Theta incident. She saw lots of battles, including Battle of Omega-3 where she saw Reapers of Sirius for the first time. In Omicron Theta instead of taking arms in extremely bloody war that took many lives of fighters from loads of different factions she left towards deeper Omicron systems. War followed, with skirmishes over Freeport 11 between Corsairs, Core and Order. Finding a way out, arriving into Omega-50 system convinced that nothing bad can happen here, away from events that changed this sector for ever. Here she found end of her problems, not a relative peace but a turning point in form of SCRA. They claimed Omega-50 as their system and new leadership with Volkhan at top wanted to grab everything with force. That was enough.

Devil-Wings.pngFallen Angel

Message sent to Reapers of Sirius, signed up and aquired new ship and proper armanent from other Reapers residing on Boa Vista Station in same system. Not so long time after, first battle occured against SCRA with Kate firing decisive shot at Storm class Coalition gunboat. Assigned to Fallen Angels squadron, name given first Reapers long time ago during Sol war which now represented 'special forces within special forces' of Brailla - Reapers homeworld. Now under Lohingren Hikari command, Reapers granted Kate a revenge she wanted in a struggle to put a end to all conflicts in Omega and Omicron sectors. After some time on a Lohingren's orders she became part of the new high command, in rank of Angel. Later she was offered command of Devil Wings squadron which she accepted.

Devil-Wings.pngKate and other factions

Her diplomacy reflects more or less actual Reapers of Sirius but she have some agenda of her own. She shows openly her disgust towards Corsair leadership and hate to SCRA and their close allies. She does not trust Slomon K'Hara due to Nomad War and Das Wilde but is willing to talk and trying to understand motives and learn about exotic species like Nomads as 'neighbours'. Towards Order, she seems them as faction very simmiliar to Reapers of Sirius but wrongdoing: seeing alien genocide as the only solution and waging bloody war against Core Who in turn are interested only in technology advance at all cost, not caring about human resources.

Devil-Wings.pngRumours, facts and quotes


  • 'Angry Zoner' Nihil Baxter, Zoners
  • 'You have serious mistrust problems' Jeremy Hunter, Order
  • 'Kate, can I marry you?' Anonymous Reaver mercenary during Omicron Gamma raid
  • 'You are goddess of death.' Christopher Dangen, ex-Order commodore, ex-Phantom, ex-BAF lieutenant, ex-RoS angel, ex-LSF operative.
  • 'If buying her guns will keep her calm... so be it' Lady Red, GC
  • 'Kate is a good friend, she's here to shoot down Outcasts. I guess it's holidays for her, and the hunt is a sport or something...' Sol Fenrir, Lost Star vigilante.


  • Is sister of one of The Order leaders, Michal Golanski.
  • People mistake her as angry while she not started yet or is still perfectly calm.
  • Appointed as diplomat to IMG due to her knowledge and good relations with said faction.
  • Taught by Corsair-born flight teacher.
  • Christopher Dangen and many of his alter-ego were well known to Kate. Current relations between the two detoriated.


  • Her connections to The Order are unclear.
  • It is rumoured that she had contact with Nomads. It is unknown if it is true or what relation may be between her and Slomon K'Hara.
  • There are few speculations concerning aquiring command of RBS Valhalla. Some mome popular theories include theft from Maltesan Navy or renaming one of the current vessels under flag of the Reapers. All records are sealed or deleted.

Devil-Wings.pngKnown possesion

Ros vhf.png
Ros hf.png
White Wolf
Kate Golanska
Lone Star

One of few Reaper capital ships in existence, Valhalla is fully capable warship serving in its full capacity. In difference to Outcast original blueprints, this vessel life support is not filled with cardamine and due to limited Reaper personnel, lowered crew requirements thanks to automatization. Valhalla and Ranseur alike have two spacious hangar bays and powerful available array of weaponry dispatching with ease any possible opponents. Specific batteries are suited to obliterate heavy targets on optimally close and point blank range.

Devil-Wings.pngPersonal point of view

Faction Relationship Factions
Everyone else
Kusari empire
Kingdom of Bretonia
Republic of Liberty
Federal republic of Rheinland
Das Wilde
Kingdom of Gallia
Bounty Hunters
At War
Red Hessians
At War
At War
At War
At War
At War
Faction Relationship Individuals
Sol Fenrir
Lady Red
Ryan Wylde
Christopher Dangen
Premier Alvin Katz
At War